With the official launch of Google Policy Update, Google Consent Mode V2 emerges as the solution to respect users' privacy choices while allowing businesses to gain valuable insights.
A detailed contact list in your CRM is like a treasure map, it leads you to valuable relationships and opportunities. Recognizing this, HubSpot has introduced improvements that simplify the list creation process and provide a faster and more efficient list overview, making it even easier to manage your contacts.
Have you ever wondered how your HubSpot records were originally created? No more guesswork: the "Record Source" property gives you a clear insight into the original creation of each record.
HubSpot's latest update to the Campaigns app brings a significant improvement: the inclusion of ad interactions in the 'Influenced Contacts' metric. This development represents a significant leap forward in measuring the effectiveness of ad campaigns.
At Actuado, we believe that continuous learning is the cornerstone of success in today's fast-paced business world. That's why, as a HubSpot Platinum Partner, our team is committed to expanding its skills and expertise through platforms like the HubSpot Academy.
Attention HubSpot email marketers: with only a few days left until Google and Yahoo enforce new email authentication requirements, you need to make sure your important emails reach your audience's inboxes smoothly.