Create hidden fields on forms to add additional information to your CRM

Written by Katarina Alič Čretnik | August 12, 2022

This blog post is a part of the HubSpot Tips & Tricks video series by Actuado. In each blog post, you'll find a useful tip in video format, with transcription.


Create hidden fields on forms to add additional information to your CRM


Video transcript

To be able to segment your database you need data. Contacts will give you some information, but you can also add some pre-filled hidden information to their contact record. How? With hidden fields on your HubSpot forms.

Welcome to HubSpot Tips and Tricks! I'm Katarina from Actuado, and in this video, I'll show you how to add hidden fields to your forms and why this matters. 

Let's say you are presenting your company on a tradeshow where you talk to people and find new leads. Give them a special link to the landing page where they can download something that will help them solve some relevant challenges.

Add a form to the landing page and use hidden fields to give these contacts more information. In the future, this will enable you to filter all contacts who got the special link from the tradeshow I mentioned. Maybe you want to change their lifecycle stage from lead to marketing or even sales qualified leads.

This information is not some personal information like their birthday, gender, marital status, how much they earn or something similar. Contacts will give you this information freely if they want to.
But adding information about where you met, setting their lifecycle stage or adding some similar information is something that will help you segment contacts and offer them more personalized marketing or sales related content.

Hidden fields are very easy to add. Just open the form, find the field you want to add as hidden, or create it on the fly. Add the field, that is in fact a property, to the form, pre-select the value that you want to add to the contact and make it a hidden field.

I know, this is very easy and very useful! Because sooner or later someone will come asking you: “Hey, can you create a list of all contacts we met on the fair last year. I want to invite them to meet again this year.”

And you’ll be like: “Sure, I can do this in no time!”


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